sobota 1. února 2020

I invented Agile Testing

I invented Agile

I invented Agile Testing

For a couple of last years, I saw issues in our processes and in the way we work. I managed to do some changes and change how people think about testing.

And do you know what I now found?

It is always the same. You invent something new and then you found, that somebody else already did the same thing. In my case, these principles have already its own (buzz)word called “Agile Testing”

These principles are very very similar to the thinks I discovered myself and I believe, that works best in most situations.

Maybe that the best name of the article should be “My way to Agile Testing”.

neděle 5. ledna 2020

Kotlin Extendable Tests

Kotlin Extendable Tests

Kotlin Extendable Tests

Imagine, that you have a lot of System/Functional tests. And a lot of these test have some common code. E.g. One code clean your system data. Another starts your testing HttpServer. etc.

This code often end up in some class, lets call it “TestBase”, and all tests inherit from this TestBase. As time goes on this class is bigger and bigger. And a lot of tests, which doesn’t need clean system data are doing so, because this code is part of TestBase.

Solution is split this TestBase somehow. But Splitting it can be quite tricky.

In Groovy(link) this can be easyli done by using Traits (link). And each functionality became own Trait and only tests which need this functionality will implement this trait.

In Kotlin we do not have traits, but it is possilbe to use Interfaces and Delegation to easily implement something with similar capabilities.


You can easily write tests, which use your extensions.

import ... Extendable
import ... ExtendableImpl
import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test

class ExtensionSampleTest : Extendable by ExtendableImpl() {
    // Here is used our extenssion, which start and stop http server
    val server = register(HttpServerExtension())

    fun `test using extension`() {
        // given
        val con = URL("http://localhost:${server.port}/test").openConnection() as HttpURLConnection

        // when
        val response = String(con.inputStream.readAllBytes())

        // then
        assertThat(response).isEqualTo("This is the response")


Extension which starts http server. Can look like this:

import ... Extension

class HttpServerExtension(val port: Int = 8000) : Extension {

    lateinit var server: HttpServer

    override fun extBeforeEach() {

    override fun extAfterEach() {

    private fun start() {
        server = HttpServer.create(InetSocketAddress(port), 0).apply {
            createContext("/test") { t ->
                val response = "This is the response"
                t.sendResponseHeaders(200, response.length.toLong())
                t.responseBody.apply {

    private fun stop() {

Implementation of extessions for jUnit5

import org.junit.jupiter.api.*  
import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestInstance.Lifecycle  
 * Be Aware! Implementing this Interface make the test @TestInstance(Lifecycle.PER_CLASS)
 * It means one test instance is used to run all tests!
interface Extendable {  
    val extensions: MutableList<Extension>  
    fun <T : Extension> register(extension: T): T {  
        return extension  
    fun extendableBeforeAll() {  
    fun extendableBeforeEach() {  
    fun extendableAfterEach() {  
    fun extendableAfterAll() {  
open class ExtendableImpl : Extendable {  
    override val extensions = mutableListOf<Extension>()  
interface Extension {  
    fun extBeforeAll() {}  
    fun extBeforeEach() {}  
    fun extAfterEach() {}  
    fun extAfterAll() {}  